If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us.
Yes, we provide face-to-face institutes at the school (or other appropriate space). We can also provide online resources as an extension and continuation of the on-site institutes.
We’d love to provide you a custom proposal depending on your needs. Contact [email protected] for any pricing questions and we’ll be happy to give you more information.
We have trained up to 120 participants in an Institute successfully when the room accommodates them very comfortably. Depending on the school’s needs, we can customize to fit just about any number of participants!
Most teachers in the participating school will see learning improvement with their students by the end of the second month after the first Institute.
Measurements of student learning will include student graded assignments, teacher graded assignments, benchmark tests and end of year tests.
See results and testimonial information here (link to results page).
Session objectives:
- Understand and apply the science of learning POPs behind the use of varied repetition with association to improve memory.
- Measure and report the effects of using the science of learning POPs behind the use of varied repetition with association to improve memory.
- Understand and the apply the science of learning POPs behind the use of spacing and timing of practice to support memory retrieval.
- Measure and report the effects of using the science of learning POPs behind the use of spacing and timing of practice to support memory retrieval.
- Understand and apply the science of learning POPs behind the use of progress monitoring and data to support student engagement.
- Measure and report the effects of using the science of learning POPs behind the use of progress monitoring and data to support student engagement.
Desired Outcomes:
- Teachers who attend FASL Institutes will understand and apply the science of learning POPs to classroom lesson design and student work.
- Students and teachers will see improved student performance on daily work and formative benchmark assessments which will lead to improved end of year test scores.
- Teachers will receive a micro credentials that celebrate their accomplishments based on evidence of improving student performance based on the science of learning.
- Campus principals and coaches will conduct informal inquiry based conversations with teachers in the FASL cohort around the session objectives.
- FASL cohort teachers will informally collaborate with peers on the results of their own inquiry into new research based practices and encourage others to apply new practice.
- Campus principals and coaches will celebrate the credentialing process for teachers.
FASL’s own coaches will support teachers as they go through the credentialing process, reflecting on the work and collaborating to achieve success for the teacher and the students they serve.
FASL has shown improvement in classrooms implementing FASL’s science of learning POPs with over 4000 students in campuses across Texas which include schools in Round Rock ISD, Tomball ISD, San Antonio ISD, Comstock ISD, Harleton ISD, as well as others.
90% of teachers who participated in a FASL cohort agreed to be part of a case study group conducted by Dr. Jennifer Smith Jones, of UT Tyler. This research was independently conducted.
60 of 64 teachers reported an increase in student learning after implementing the science of learning in lesson design.
The study was based on the results of over 4,000 secondary students.
Over half the teachers surveyed reported an average grade increase of over 10% on class assignments and tests.
79% of teachers reported an increase in student motivation.
90% of teachers reported sharing their learning and results with colleagues.
87% of teachers reported an increase in student engagement.