Client and Consulting Relationships with the FASL TEAM
Over the past 20 years, the FASL team has worked with very innovative corporations like Pixar as well as science museums, foundations, small school districts (like Comstock ISD, TX) and large school districts like Los Angeles. In all cases, the work focused on FASL topics for public education in the U.S. The following provides some idea of the scope of the work of our people over the past 20 years.
School districts who have worked with FASL team members, in training or conferences, hail from those in Washington state to California, and Connecticut to Florida. They include large districts like Dallas, Texas, and small districts like Perry County, Alabama.
Our teammates have worked with service centers and county offices to jointly provide training and services. These include very large county offices like Los Angeles County Office of Education to small centers like Education Service Center 7 in East Texas.
Training and conference activities have involved many collaborating museums across the county including the Kimbell Art Museum in Ft. Worth, the Denver Art Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, Dallas Art Museum, the Disney Family Museum, and Perot Science Museum in Dallas. In addition, we have worked with NASA, the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Chevron, Educational Testing Service, the College Board, Pixar, ESRI, the Gapminder Foundation in Sweden, Autodesk, and several professional associations such as the Texas Association of School Administrators, American Association of University Women, and the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools.
When providing conferences, topics have ranged from women’s leadership for AAUW, to honoring Nobel Laureates in the fields of science and medicine living in Dallas, to STEM topics in medicine, space, and energy research, to the effect of globalization on American schools, to education as a civil and legal right, schools, to secondary school reform to organizational creativity and innovation. Speakers at team led and designed events have included Ray Marshall, a former Secretary of Labor, Cecilia Rouse and the late Alan Krueger, both economic advisors to President Obama, John Samuels, former Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, David Galenson, an economist at the University of Chicago, Ed Catmull, the co-founder of Pixar, Bob Santelli, the founding Executive Director of the Grammy Museum, and David Autor, professor of economics at MIT, and John Hattie, author of Visible Learning and Laureate Professor, Melbourne Graduate School of Education.
We’ve also had the great pleasure of working with the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS), the New Mexico Coalition for School Leaders (NMCEL), and Alabama Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (AASCD) on our first virtual international conference!