What We Do
FASL’s Professional Development raises achievement while lowering costs, (you only train 10% of your staff and they inspire others). You can see improvement in classroom pedagogy, and increases teacher effectiveness in only WEEKS, not months or years. Expect to exceed prior years’ assessment results and accelerate student learning.
In less than six weeks, teachers will begin to demonstrate improvements in measured student achievement. The work expands virally as teachers inspire or almost infect others with stories of their own student success!
Our Professional Development Programs
FASL’s team-based, peer-to-peer, school improvement model uses the sciences of cognition, motivation, and social-emotional learning to move the needle of student growth school-wide.
FASL consultants work with school, district, and state leadership to consolidate initiatives and align materials to the learning sciences. Increase your returns on investments with measurable growth.
FASL designs one- to three-day events to challenge participants and to act with new knowledge.
FASL works with teachers who want to become leaders in the learning sciences. Using webinar-based book studies and blended learning models, we explore the sciences of leadership and learning
Our Programs are Tailored to Your School’s Needs.
FASL offers a variety of teacher development opportunities to meet any school’s needs. Our goal is to help you train your own staff to carry on The Art and Science of Learning in your schools. Our work can be delivered as:
- Blended learning school improvement for principals and teacher leaders.
- Blended learning for groups of teachers or online learning for individual teachers (to be released in the fall, 2020).
- One to multi-day events or conferences.
- Consulting services to professional associations, district administrators and principals.
FASL also has the capacity to deliver engaging speaking on topics related to the learning sciences and custom conferences on the same topics, including STEM.
With face-to-face instruction, it takes as little as one-half day of professional development for organizational leaders/principals and five days of professional development learning institutes for a teacher cohort over the course of one year.
By carefully sequencing the applications of the science of learning, learning improvement is fast and measurable.
Contact us for more information and pricing

Download The Art of Learning book for FREE! ($35 value)
For a limited time, receive a FREE copy of our book The Art of Learning: Perspective and Cognition.